Smart Booster Pro Apk v6.4
Smart Booster Pro Apk |
Free Download Aplikasi Smart Booster Pro APK: Hai sobat, kali ini saya berbagi aplikasi android terbaru, Smart Booster Pro APK. Smart Booster Pro APK ini dapat mempermudah sobat untuk meningkatkan kinerja smartphone android sobat. Aplikasi ini bekerja mengoptimalkan kinerja RAM Smartphone android sobat, yaitu dengan mematikan aplikasi yang tidak penting dan sedang berjalan.
Aplikasi ini juga dapat memasang widget 1-click cache cleaner pada homescreen smartphone android untuk mempermudah membersihkan RAM yang tidak terpakai. Tunggu apalagi, bagi sobat yang smartphone androidnya tidak bekerja dengan maksimal, bisa mencoba dengan aplikasi ini,
Terdapat 4 mode pembersihan (auto-boost) yang ada di aplikasi ini, diantaranya:
- Aggresive (menghentikan aplikasi yang menggunakan memory prioritas rendah)
- Strong (menghentikan aplikasi yang menggunakan memory lumayan tinggi).
- Medium (menghentikan aplikasi yang menggunakan memory di atas rata-rata).
- Gentle (menghentikan aplikasi yang mengkonsumsi memory sampai membahayakan).
How RAM Booster works
- RAM Booster is designed to overcome these issues by selectively kill less important apps that are running in the background but consumes considerable device’s memory.
RAM Booster comes with auto-boost in 4 levels: aggressive, strong, medium, gentle.
- Aggressive: kill most of low priority apps
- Strong: Kill apps that is low priority as well as consume lightly below an “average”
- Medium: kill apps that consumes memory above an “average”
- Gentle: kill only apps that uses considerable memory
How to work RAM Booster
There are 5 ways to boost
- Auto-boost: boost automatically under RAM available & timing conditions
- Overlay widget – Enable RAM Booster overlay widget (on by default), adjust widget’s position, and tap on widget to boost anytime you want
- Home screen widget – one tap to boost (long-press your home screen>Widget to add RAM Booster widget)
- Notification bar – one tap to boost (toggle notification bar visibility in app’s setting)
- Boost Now – tap this button from app’s main screen
- 1-click cache cleaner
- Boost level: select a boost level
- Nice themes at your choice
- Whitelist apps: apps will not be killed when boosting
- Boost automatically: auto-boost, come with minimal RAM threshold and Boost interval
- Report style- define how to show reports
- Feedback- a haptic feedback when touch on boost widget
- Overlay widget position/size - Change overlay widget position/size
- Overlay widget transparency- Change transparent/opaque level
- OnClick/OnLongClick options for overlay widget
Screenshots :
System required :
- OS : Android 2.3 and up
- File Size : 3.3 MB
- Google Play
What's New :
- [New] shortcut settings toggles
- [New] action to show Application manager
- [Updated] improve running apps
- [Updated] setting change Notification Bar style
- [Fixed] bug on Bluetooth and Wifi some devices
- [Fixed] minor bugs